Note that we have changed the Insights and page, adding the option to create multiple dashboards. We also added Alarms If you have updated to the latest OpenRemote Docker image you might get an error message when navigating to the Insights page in the manager.
To resolve this, login directly in the Keycloak Admin Console (e.g. localhost:8080/auth) and:
- Select your realm(s)
- Go to ‘Clients’ and select ‘openremote’
- Select ‘Roles’ (at the top)
- Add the roles ‘read:insights’ and ‘write:insights’ and ‘read:alarms’ and ‘write:alarms’
When you now login into the manager, in the respective realm(s), you can toggle these roles per user (also for yourself as ‘admin’). From here onwards, users with these roles enabled will see the new Insights page. Enjoy trying it out!