Manager UI doesn't build

I’m trying to build the custom deploy with the command given in the wiki, however I’m getting this error:

C:\Coduct\OpenRemote\custom-project\openremote\ui\app\manager>npm run serve – --env config=…......\deployment\manager\app

@openremote/manager@1.0.4 serve
npx tsc -b --clean && npx shx rm -rf dist && npx orutil build && npx cross-env NODE_OPTIONS=–max_old_space_size=4096 webpack serve --mode development “–env” “config=…\…\…\…\deployment\manager\app”

Running gradlew modelBuild task in C:\Coduct\OpenRemote\custom-project …
gradlew modelWatch finished! Status = 1
npm ERR! Lifecycle script serve failed with error:
npm ERR! Error: command failed
npm ERR! in workspace: @openremote/manager@1.0.4
npm ERR! at location: C:\Coduct\OpenRemote\custom-project\openremote\ui\app\manager

Hi! Setting the config environment variable incorrectly does not fail the startup process on my system.
If the config cannot be found, it will still serve the app. So you can take care of this later in case it fails in runtime.

However I see modelWatch giving a status of 1, which could have caused the issue.
Can you provide the logs of this command?

./gradlew modelWatch

It should be run in the main project folder.

Hi, I’m experiencing the same issue.
I’ve saved the logs, but as a new user, I cannot attach files or paste the long logs here.

@openremote/manager@1.0.4 serve
npx tsc -b --clean && npx shx rm -rf dist && npx orutil build && npx cross-env NODE_OPTIONS=–max_old_space_size=4096 webpack serve --mode development

Running gradlew modelBuild task in E:\RemoteMeter\Software\RemotePlatform …
gradlew modelWatch finished! Status = 1
npm ERR! Lifecycle script serve failed with error:
npm ERR! Error: command failed
npm ERR! in workspace: @openremote/manager@1.0.4
npm ERR! at location: E:\RemoteMeter\Software\RemotePlatform\openremote\ui\app\manager

It seems that I can upload the logs now…
openRemoteTranscript.txt (233.8 KB)

Hi Martin!

First of all thank you for your reply, I already did that but the error message is very undescriptive… Here: Build Scan™ | Gradle Cloud Services
you can see the output of ./gradlew modelWatch --scan so you can get a picture for yourself!
Thanks in advance!

According to the logs you posted, it’s executing the gradlew command in a different directory for some reason.

--- Succeeds ---
PS E:\RemoteMeter\Software\RemotePlatform\openremote> ./gradlew modelWatch
19 actionable tasks: 19 executed
--- Fails ---
PS E:\RemoteMeter\Software\RemotePlatform\openremote\ui\app\manager> npm run serve
Running gradlew modelBuild task in E:\RemoteMeter\Software\RemotePlatform ...
gradlew modelWatch finished! Status = 1

I have zero clue why it occurs, since I have never used the custom project template myself.
In the main openremote repo it is working fine, so this might be specific to the template.

But it seems to be an issue with the directory used by the scripts.
@MarkusAtCoduct might be experiencing the same after I just read the logs from the 1st post again.