# OpenRemote v3 # # Profile for deploying the custom stack; uses deployment-data named volume # to expose customisations to the manager and keycloak images. To run this profile you need to specify the following # environment variables: # # OR_ADMIN_PASSWORD - Initial admin user password # OR_HOSTNAME - FQDN hostname of where this instance will be exposed (localhost, IP address or public domain) # DEPLOYMENT_VERSION - Tag to use for deployment image (must match the tag used when building the deployment image) # # Please see openremote/profile/deploy.yml for configuration details for each service. # # To perform updates, build code and prepare Docker images: # # ./gradlew clean installDist # # Then recreate deployment image: # # DEPLOYMENT_VERSION=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) # MANAGER_VERSION=$(cd openremote; git rev-parse --short HEAD; cd ..) # docker build -t openremote/manager:$MANAGER_VERSION ./openremote/manager/build/install/manager/ # docker build -t openremote/custom-deployment:$DEPLOYMENT_VERSION ./deployment/build/ # docker-compose -p custom down # docker volume rm custom_deployment-data # Do the following volume rm command if you want a clean install (wipe all existing data) # docker volume rm custom_postgresql-data # OR_ADMIN_PASSWORD=secret OR_HOSTNAME=my.domain.com docker-compose -p custom up -d # # All data is kept in volumes. Create a backup of the volumes to preserve data. # version: '2.4' volumes: proxy-data: deployment-data: postgresql-data: manager-data: # Add an NFS volume to the stack # efs-data: # driver: local # driver_opts: # type: nfs # o: "addr=${EFS_DNS?DNS must be set to mount NFS volume},rw,nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2,noresvport" # device: ":/" #x-logging: &awslogs # logging: # driver: awslogs # options: # awslogs-region: ${AWS_REGION:-eu-west-1} # awslogs-group: ${OR_HOSTNAME} # awslogs-create-group: 'true' # tag: "{{.Name}}/{{.ID}}" services: # This service will only populate an empty volume on startup and then exit. # If the volume already contains data, it exits immediately. deployment: image: openremote/deployment:${DEPLOYMENT_VERSION?DEPLOYMENT_VERSION must be set} volumes: - deployment-data:/deployment logging: driver: gelf options: gelf-address: "udp://" tag: "openremote-deployment" proxy: image: openremote/proxy:${PROXY_VERSION:-latest} restart: always depends_on: manager: condition: service_healthy ports: - "80:80" - "443:443" - "8883:8883" volumes: - proxy-data:/deployment - deployment-data:/data environment: LE_EMAIL: ${OR_EMAIL_ADMIN} DOMAINNAME: ${OR_HOSTNAME?OR_HOSTNAME must be set} DOMAINNAMES: ${OR_ADDITIONAL_HOSTNAMES:-} # USE A CUSTOM PROXY CONFIG - COPY FROM https://github.com/openremote/proxy/blob/main/haproxy.cfg #HAPROXY_CONFIG: '/data/proxy/haproxy.cfg' #<<: *awslogs logging: driver: gelf options: gelf-address: "udp://" tag: "openremote-proxy" postgresql: image: openremote/postgresql:${POSTGRESQL_VERSION:-latest} restart: always volumes: - postgresql-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data - manager-data:/storage ports: - "5432:5432" environment: - OR_DISABLE_REINDEX=${OR_DISABLE_REINDEX:-false} #<<: *awslogs logging: driver: gelf options: gelf-address: "udp://" tag: "openremote-postgresql" keycloak: image: openremote/keycloak:${KEYCLOAK_VERSION:-latest} restart: always depends_on: postgresql: condition: service_healthy volumes: - deployment-data:/deployment ports: - "8081:8080" environment: KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD: ${OR_ADMIN_PASSWORD:?OR_ADMIN_PASSWORD must be set} KC_HOSTNAME: ${OR_HOSTNAME:-localhost} KC_HOSTNAME_PORT: ${OR_SSL_PORT:--1} # Prevent theme caching during dev KEYCLOAK_START_OPTS: --spi-theme-static-max-age=-1 --spi-theme-cache-themes=false --spi-theme-cache-templates=false #<<: *awslogs logging: driver: gelf options: gelf-address: "udp://" tag: "openremote-keycloak" manager: image: openremote/manager:${MANAGER_VERSION:-latest} restart: always depends_on: keycloak: condition: service_healthy volumes: - manager-data:/storage - deployment-data:/deployment # Map data should be accessed from a volume mount # 1). Host filesystem - /deployment.local:/deployment.local # 2) NFS/EFS network mount - efs-data:/efs environment: # Here are some typical environment variables you want to set # see openremote/profile/deploy.yml for details OR_ADMIN_PASSWORD: ${OR_ADMIN_PASSWORD?OR_ADMIN_PASSWORD must be set} OR_SETUP_TYPE: ${OR_SETUP_TYPE:-production} # Typical values to support are staging and production OR_SETUP_RUN_ON_RESTART: OR_EMAIL_HOST: OR_EMAIL_USER: OR_EMAIL_PASSWORD: OR_EMAIL_X_HEADERS: OR_EMAIL_FROM: OR_EMAIL_ADMIN: OR_HOSTNAME: ${OR_HOSTNAME?OR_HOSTNAME must be set} OR_ADDITIONAL_HOSTNAMES: ${OR_ADDITIONAL_HOSTNAMES:-} OR_SSL_PORT: ${OR_SSL_PORT:--1} OR_DEV_MODE: ${OR_DEV_MODE:-false} OR_MAP_TILES_PATH: '/efs/europe.mbtiles' #OR_MAP_TILES_PATH: '/efs/europe.mbtiles' # Allow migration scripts to be applied out of order (see flyway DB docs) OR_DB_FLYWAY_OUT_OF_ORDER: ${OR_DB_FLYWAY_OUT_OF_ORDER:-false} #<<: *awslogs logging: driver: gelf options: gelf-address: "udp://" tag: "openremote-manager"