Aeon Lab Z-stick gen 5


i am having trouble with the Zstick Gen 5. When i use it with Homegenie (on this same ubuntu computer) it seems to recognize the port and z-stick and get messages back from my garage door sensor. log files show the following error

INFO 2016-06-02 11:28:14,527 (Z-Wave):

Here are a few steps to make sure that the serial port in combination with OpenRemote Controller 2.0.X is running on Linux:

Update RXTX

sudo apt-get install librxtx-java

cp /usr/lib/jni/ [path to OpenRemote Controller]/\


Check if user is part of dialout group


Add user to dialout group

sudo usermod -a -G dialout username

Make sure the serial port is recognized by RXTX library

Thanks for the quick response! I will give this a try