Appearance Error

I installed OpenRemote for the first time and I have no problem accessing the Appearance function in the configuration menu.

When clicking the button it does not open the screen to configure the parameters, do you know what it could be?

Hi Bueno, problem solved, right? Can you share what was the fix?

Hi everybody, I have the same problem, can´t acces the appareance function in the configuration menu.

I installed OpenRemote and i trying to configure the parameters with this option, but when clicking the button it does not open the screen to configure the parameters, have any idea to fix it?

I’m using Super Admin user…

Hi @Pierre Pierre, I have the same problem as @bueno Bueno, can´t acces the appareance function in the configuration menu.

I installed OpenRemote and i trying to configure the parameters with this option, but when clicking the button it does not open the screen to configure the parameters, have any idea to fix it?

I’m using Super Admin user…

This sometimes happens when you use the main openremote repository code. If you want to, you can create a custom-project and then it will create the files and everything required to edit the appearance. Theoretically, if you go to the network tab on your browser and enter the appearance menu, the manager_config.json request will fail with a 404 not found. You can read up on deploying openremote with a custom project here: User Guide: Custom deployment · openremote/openremote Wiki · GitHub

Just to clarify;

There is no need to use a custom project for opening the appearance page.
Basically the page is looking for a manager_config.json file, which it cannot find.

In case of a local development environment, which you run with npm run serve,
you need to add an env variable that specifies the location of this manager_config.json file.
As described in our GitHub wiki here.

I don’t know your exact setup, but it’s probably because it cannot locate the json file.

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