New appearance section shows up within menu and when proceeding to the area, just a loading screen comes up and remains in this state. Tested within Firefox and Edge with same results, was looking forward to trying out this new feature.
Possibly a bug with first release, any one else experience this behavior and know the fix?
Thanks for reporting the issue. In the ‘basic’ setup the manager_config.json is indeed not referenced. We are going to improve this flow. I will get back to this topic soon
To wrap up this forum topic, since it became quite old, here is a quick summary:
TLDR: For the appearance page to work, the file manager_config.json simply needs to exist in
the ‘deployment’ mapping of your OpenRemote instance. From there, it should be configurable on the appearance page. If not, please report the bug. (in a separate topic)
For deployments:
Add a manager_config.json file to the deployment folder of your docker instance.
File location of this depends on how it is deployed, but is often located in
a relative path (<location of docker-compose.yml file>/deployment)
or in a separate docker volume deployment_data.
For developers using IDE:
By default, we include a manager_config.json file in the code repo under /deployment/manager/app.
However, since we serve this file using our web server, the path should be referenced as an environment variable when running npm run serve. See the developer guide here:
Be aware! Custom projects have a different relative path.
Hopefully this will help your journey. If not, feel free to open a new topic.
I think a lot of people a watching the old YouTube videos on this and running into problems. The custom project repo basically does everything for you.