Appearance not Loading


New appearance section shows up within menu and when proceeding to the area, just a loading screen comes up and remains in this state. Tested within Firefox and Edge with same results, was looking forward to trying out this new feature.

Possibly a bug with first release, any one else experience this behavior and know the fix?


Are you logged in with Superuser? (admin)

Could you provide the log from your browser console?

Hi Denis,

Yes logged in as admin otherwise Appearance is not shown within menu.

Error - Failed to load resource: the server /manager_config.json:1 responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

Did you update yml file

./deployment:/deployment under manager volume ??

This was just a quick install to try out this feature, so no modifications.

Hi @lonesync,

Thanks for reporting the issue. In the ‘basic’ setup the manager_config.json is indeed not referenced. We are going to improve this flow. I will get back to this topic soon :slight_smile:



I am running the latest OpenRemote image downloaded 7/30 and have the same issue of the Appearance not loading.

Any suggestions?


Hey Everyone,

I’m getting the same issue after quick install. Would it be possible to let me know what I can do to workaround?

Do I need to place the manager_config.json in a specific location? It is currently under: /openremote/deployment/manager/app.

Thanks heaps! :slight_smile:


To wrap up this forum topic, since it became quite old, here is a quick summary:

TLDR: For the appearance page to work, the file manager_config.json simply needs to exist in
the ‘deployment’ mapping of your OpenRemote instance. From there, it should be configurable on the appearance page. If not, please report the bug. (in a separate topic)

For deployments:
Add a manager_config.json file to the deployment folder of your docker instance.
File location of this depends on how it is deployed, but is often located in

  • a relative path (<location of docker-compose.yml file>/deployment)
  • or in a separate docker volume deployment_data.

For developers using IDE:
By default, we include a manager_config.json file in the code repo under /deployment/manager/app.
However, since we serve this file using our web server, the path should be referenced as an environment variable when running npm run serve. See the developer guide here:

Be aware! Custom projects have a different relative path.

Hopefully this will help your journey. If not, feel free to open a new topic.

I think a lot of people a watching the old YouTube videos on this and running into problems. The custom project repo basically does everything for you.

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