AWS: UI Customization Issues: Theme Changes Not Applying Despite Multiple Approaches

- OpenRemote deployed on AWS EC2 instance
- Using Docker containers (manager, keycloak, postgresql, proxy)
- Successfully configured login screen theme
- Having issues with Manager UI customization

Current Status:
1. Login Theme (Working):
- Created custom theme 'engonus' in /deployment/keycloak/themes/
- Successfully customized login.css:

.login-pf body {
background: #ffffff !important;
.card-pf {
margin: 0 auto;
box-shadow: var(–pf-global–BoxShadow–lg);
padding: 0 20px;
max-width: 500px;
border-top: 4px solid #00BFFF;
/* Additional styling… */

Manager UI Customization (Not Working):

Created realm 'engonus' through admin interface
Configured manager_config.json at /deployment/manager/app/:

“managers”: {
“default”: {
“theme”: “engonus”,
“logo”: “/images/logo.png”,
“logoMobile”: “/images/logo.png”,
“styles”: {
“primary”: “#00BFFF”,
“secondary”: “#00BFFF”,
“success”: “#00BFFF”,
“action”: “#00BFFF”,
“error”: “#ff0000
“language”: “en”
“realms”: {
“engonus”: {
“appTitle”: “ENGONUS”,
“styles”: {
“primary”: “#00BFFF”,
“secondary”: “#00BFFF”,
“background”: “#ffffff”,
“text”: “#000000”,
“link”: “#00BFFF
“logo”: “/images/logo.png”,
“logoMobile”: “/images/logo.png”,
“favicon”: {
“src”: “/images/logo.png”

Attempted Solutions:
File System Approach:
Placed logo in multiple locations:


Verified file permissions (644)
Confirmed file ownership (ec2-user:ec2-user)
Container Management:
Restarted individual containers:

docker restart openremote_manager_1

Performed full stack restart:

docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d

UI Configuration:

Created realm through admin interface
Uploaded logo and set colors through UI
Changes appear to save but don't take effect
Verified changes are saved in manager_config.json

Different Path Attempts for Logo:

Tried absolute paths: "/images/logo.png"
Tried relative paths: "images/logo.png"
Tried with /manager prefix: "/manager/images/logo.png"

Current Issues:
Manager UI doesn't reflect theme changes:
Logo remains default OpenRemote
Colors don't change to #00BFFF
Changes persist in config files but don't apply visually

Realm-specific settings don't apply:
Settings save successfully
UI shows success message
Changes don't reflect after reload/restart
File Structure:
├── deployment/
│   ├── manager/
│   │   └── app/
│   │       ├── manager_config.json
│   │       ├── images/
│   │       │   └── logo.png
│   │       └── manager/
│   │           └── images/
│   │               └── logo.png
│   └── keycloak/
│       └── themes/
│           └── engonus/
│               └── login/
│                   └── resources/
│                       ├── css/
│                       │   └── login.css
│                       └── img/
│                           └── logo.png


Are we missing any crucial configuration steps?
Is there a specific location where the Manager UI looks for theme assets?
Are there any logs we should check for configuration errors?
Is there a different approach to customize the Manager UI theme?

Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. We've tried multiple approaches over several days, and while we've successfully themed the login page, the Manager UI remains resistant to customization.
Note: All configurations are properly saved, permissions are correct, and we've verified file accessibility. The issue seems to be with the Manager UI not picking up the theme changes despite proper configuration.

Would you like me to explain any part of this post in more detail or adjust anything before seeking help from the community?




Good day @oscarcuenca2 is it possible if you could post your login.css in code format I am battling to customize my login page?

I think i can help so you trying to change the UI.
I copied what I had in my manager_config.json and went to appearance and pasted it in the json option update it.

then you will be able to select images you need to use