Bugreport: Android app crashes on a HTTP domain name during the Project Wizard


I have experienced a 100% reproducible crash in the Android app. I used the issue-template to file the bug. The issue-template in the openremote repository requested to file the bug report over here.



name: Android app crashes on a HTTP domain name during the Project Wizard
about: Adding stability and user-friendliness during the Project Wizard in the Android app.
title: ‘’
labels: ‘’
assignees: ‘’

Describe the bug
If you enter an HTTP-domain during onboarding in the Project Wizard of the Android app, the app crashes. Take as an example http://demo.openremote.app, It is expected that the app can handle the redirect from http to https itself without crashing. The wizard should proceed.

If you enter the domain demo.openremote.app, the message “Could not connect to domain. Please verify address” appears. It happens always when a domain name is entered without https:// in front. I assume it is expected the domain will be checked anyhow. The wizard should proceed.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the crash:

  1. Download the google play store app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.openremote.app
    The tested version is 1.1.1 released on 15/09/2023
  2. Open the app and accept if necessary the privacy policy
  3. In the field “Enter domain” enter http://demo.openremote.app
  4. The app crashes

Steps to reproduce the the stall in onboarding:

  1. Download the google play store app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.openremote.app
    The tested version is 1.1.1 released on 15/09/2023
  2. Open the app and accept if necessary the privacy policy
  3. In the field “Enter domain” enter demo.openremote.app
  4. The message “Could not connect to domain. Please verify address” appears.
  5. The onboarding of with the ProjectWizard stops.

Expected behavior
The app should resolve the http-redirect to https without crashing. And the app should be able to manage domains if not https:// is written explicitly in front of it.


  • Device: Samsung S10e, Android
  • OS: Android version 12
  • Version: Play store app: version is 1.1.1 released on 15/09/2023

I’ve indeed came across this issue myself on Android

When using anything other than https (either ‘http://’ prefix or a plain IP address for example),
it crashes because of an unhandled exception being thrown.
I debugged it sometime ago, but didn’t find the time to fix it.

@Don @Pierre

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