Hello guys. I am a student trying to configure openremote for internship purposes. I want to connect MQTTX to openremote . I am not sure if this is the correct format to connect both MQTTX and openremote’s MQTT agent
hi pradheesh,
welcome to the community
You don’t need to make an mqttagentlink for this purpose, attributes are available for read/write by default.
publish to: {realm}/{clientId}/writeattributevalue/{attributeName}/{assetId}
subscribe to: {realm}/{clientId}/attribute/{attributeName}/{assetId}
Is the connection successful or not? If yes then follow the below instructions
for subscribe,
master/cce31f1a/attributevalue/07_PEAK_CURRENT_IN_AMP/device id
for published,
master/cce31f1a/writeattributevalue/07_PEAK_CURRENT_IN_AMP/device id
where cce31f1a mqtt clint id
Hi all!
Just linking to the wiki here, with all MQTT API related info and the available topics;
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