Hi all,
I am trying to set up a custom project under Windows 10 as described in the documentation.
When I run ./gradlew clean installDist, I get the following error:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
Script ‘C:\Open Remote\7idopenremote\openremote\project.gradle’ line: 68 -
What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating project ‘:deployment’.
Task with path ‘:openremote:ui:keycloak:installDist’ not found in project ‘:deployment’.
I am not sure if my project structure is correct, the folders are:
C:\Open Remote\7idopenremote (my custom project folder)
C:\Open Remote\7idopenremote\agent (my custom agent folder)
C:\Open Remote\7idopenremote\console (my custom console folder)
C:\Open Remote\7idopenremote\deployment (my custom deployment folder)
C:\Open Remote\7idopenremote\openremote (Open Remote sources)
C:\Open Remote\7idopenremote\profile
C:\Open Remote\7idopenremote\ui (my custom ui folder)
I start the ./gradlew clean installDist command from C:\Open Remote\7idopenremote.
Do I have the correct project folder structure?
Any help would be highly appreciated.