I am trying to use the newly implemented /dashboard/query , but am having a little trouble to get it to respond correctly.
I am using the property “names” as given in the example body:
However, this does result in a 500, not able to deserialize data provided.
I see this is also the case for the asset query.
Queries on other properties do respond correctly.
This error, which is a HTTP 500 error, will always be logged.
I tried your query locally, and this error showed up;
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidTypeIdException: Could not resolve subtype of [simple type, class org.openremote.model.query.filter.StringPredicate]: missing type id property 'predicateType' (for POJO property 'names')
Our HTTP API documentation isn’t great at mentioning this,
but for several props in the API query objects, like names in /dashboard/query & /asset/query,
it expects an StringPredicate object, where predicateType is indeed required.