i used michal rutka’s script to remember the sensor values: https://www.simpleremote.nl/tag/rules/
it worked perfectly untill i installed the new controller on the raspi3:
i think its version: https://github.com/openremote/Controller/releases/download/v2.6.0_beta/OpenRemote_Controller.zip
the error:
ERROR 2019-11-11 13:52:45,833 : Rule definition ‘a_startup_rules.drl’ could not be deployed. See errors below.
ERROR 2019-11-11 13:52:45,834 : [ERR 102] Line 49:2 mismatched input ‘Event’ in rule “Init values” in pattern
ERROR 2019-11-11 13:52:45,834 : [ERR 102] Line 50:2 mismatched input ‘Event’ in rule “Init values”
ERROR 2019-11-11 13:52:45,834 : Parser returned a null Package
which refers to these lines:
Event($s:source matches “^GV.“, value==”")
Event($s:source matches "^GV.”, value==“status”)
i already tried to modify the lines to:
Event($s:source matches (“^GV.*”), eval(value.equals(“”)))
Event($s:source matches (“^GV.*”), eval(value.equals(“status”)))
but no luck, does anyone know a solution?