Fleet-management additional realm

I have added a realm on the installation of the fleet-management custom deployment.
On the Master realm there was the Teltonika Device Configuration available.

On the added realm “private” the Teltonika Device Configuration is missing and even if I add a device there are parts missing.

How can I add teltonika devices on new realms?

Hi @glodea ,

The Teltonika device configuration asset is only created (and read from) in the master realm. To add new devices to different realms, you need to change their MQTT topic from master/{userID}/teltonika/{IMEI}/data to private/{userID}/teltonika/{IMEI}/data.

Let me know if this helps!

Hi @panos
thanks so much for the clarification.
Just to be sure: I create the device in the master realm, then I change the MQTT topic from master/{userID}/teltonika/{IMEI}/data to private/{userID}/teltonika/{IMEI}/data and it should so show up under the private realm, correct?

If so, I might have missed that in the documentation: can you help me briefly finding out how to change the MQTT topic for a device?
Is it in the code or anywhere on the portal GUI?


Hi @glodea ,

Okay so, I don’t think it’s possible to move devices across realms at the moment. You can try it out first before proceeding maybe?

So what you should do is not-create/delete the asset of that specific device from the master realm (if the device already exists in OpenRemote), update the MQTT topics on the device, and then start using the device. This way it’ll recreate the asset in the correct OpenRemote realm.

The configuration of the MQTT topics happens on the Teltonika configurator, in:
6. GPRS → MQTT Settings → Data Topic
7. GPRS → MQTT Settings → Commands Topic

Apply the changes I mentioned above and save the configuration.

Best of luck!

Oh I see.
I have done it but it does not show up on the other realm. I will debug the full connection and let you know.
Thanks for the clarification.