Gradle does not start building custom components (ui/component/*)

Original issue with screens: Gradle does not start building custom components (ui/component/*) · Issue #6 · openremote/custom-project · GitHub

There is a custom application and a custom UI component package. Here is the structure

Executing the command ./gradlew clean installDist, the build crashes.

The problem is that cradle starts building a custom application when the package of a custom component is not built.

The limitation on links sucks. Check issue

You can see that the gradle installDist task was completed in the package of the custom component, but the package was not built.

The limitation on links sucks. Check issue

The root package.json contains an indication of ui/component as a workspace, and an additional indication of the order of workspaces has no effect

The limitation on links sucks. Check issue

Limitation for posting links is a standard feature of discourse for new users who haven’t “been around the forum much” and should disappear with time.

Your :ui:app:predict:installDist task shouldn’t need to be different to the custom app example included in the project template, note the dependency on npmBuild task which will call the build script defined in your package.json and this should call the webpack build command and from there the ts-loader should compile your typescript code before it is bundled.

For typescript code to be compiled for all dependencies you need to ensure your dependencies are included in the tsconfig.json of your app in the references section you should reference each of your custom components.

NOTE: yarn install task should be automatically run by gradle

./gradlew :ui:app:custom:installDist --dry-run

Shows these tasks (see yarnInstall task at top):

:yarnInstall SKIPPED
:openremote:model:compileJava SKIPPED
:model:compileJava SKIPPED
:openremote:model:processResources SKIPPED
:openremote:model:classes SKIPPED
:openremote:model:jar SKIPPED
:openremote:container:compileJava SKIPPED
:openremote:container:compileGroovy SKIPPED
:openremote:container:processResources SKIPPED
:openremote:container:classes SKIPPED
:openremote:container:jar SKIPPED
:openremote:agent:compileJava SKIPPED
:openremote:agent:compileGroovy SKIPPED
:agent:compileJava SKIPPED
:agent:processResources SKIPPED
:agent:classes SKIPPED
:agent:jar SKIPPED
:model:processResources SKIPPED
:model:classes SKIPPED
:model:jar SKIPPED
:openremote:agent:processResources SKIPPED
:openremote:agent:classes SKIPPED
:openremote:agent:jar SKIPPED
:openremote:model-util:compileJava SKIPPED
:openremote:model-util:processResources SKIPPED
:openremote:model-util:classes SKIPPED
:openremote:model-util:jar SKIPPED
:openremote:ui:component:model:compileJava SKIPPED
:openremote:ui:component:model:compileGroovy SKIPPED
:openremote:ui:component:model:generateTypeScript SKIPPED
:openremote:ui:component:rest:compileJava SKIPPED
:openremote:ui:component:rest:compileGroovy SKIPPED
:openremote:ui:component:rest:generateTypeScript SKIPPED
:ui:app:custom:npmBuild SKIPPED
:ui:app:custom:installDist SKIPPED

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