Help me customize my map

Good afternoon
I’m trying to change the settings of my map.

I’ve already created the deployment folder with the structure

But any change I make to the mapsettings.json file
I don’t see any change on the map

master": {
          "center": [-8.7, 40.98502232788636],
          "bounds": [-8.7, 40.6, -8.6, 40.7]
           "zoom": 8,
           "minZoom": 0, 
           "maxZoom": 22,
           "boxZoom": false,
           "geocodeUrl": ""

I downloaded the file mapdata.mbtiles from the site

Do I need to make any changes to docker-compose.yml?

When I am in /manager/#/configuration
I can’t change the MAP SETTINGS?
