Hotel client portal

Home integrator here, RTI controls is my go-to platform with Vantage or Lutron Radio RA2 as my preferred lighting control.

I’ve been watching this project for a few years and like the direction it’s going.

What I’d like to try this year is to set up an energy and control portal for a client with a number of small hotels, more like B&Bs, in locations across the United states. The initial goal will be lighting control, energy monitoring, Surveillance and HVAC.

Can this be done yet with 3.0?

I’ve been looking through the Demo and am unable to see how I’d even set up a lighting schedule for a hotel. Common rooms, landscape lighting, solstice time, etc.

From the press release on the smart housing work being done I see this should be possible but from the demo I don’t see a way to structure the assets for each building then set up the controls.

Is there a release date for better documentation, templates or examples?

We used to have a smart building demo where things like lighting schedule were shown. Currently more attention is put on smart cities, but yes - all you’ve mentioned is possible with 3.0.

Recommend to set-up OpenRemote locally on your machine, as it gives you access to the features to add assets and link to agents, see Get started with the free IoT platform | OpenRemote
These two video’s touch upon most things you are looking for:
1 - Introduction structure and assets:
2 - Adding customers, assets, agents, and edge gateways:

We introduced a few generic protocol agents: HTTP, Websocket, MQTT (using ClientEvent), TCP/IP, UDP. Not sure whether they can cover your preferred Brands? Interesting to get your feedback.

And yes, we are short on documentation. We’ll try to add based on most urgent questions :slight_smile:
So let us know how it goes!


Got it, and thanks.

Will set up docker on a win 10 machine and work on it.

Thx again.

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