hello everyone,
I need more charts in the insights dashboard, how to add more charts?
Hi, you can configure the layout as part of the manager_config.json.
The options for the custom deployment is described in the wiki Custom Deployment
And in more detail, the structure of the manager_config.json, including configuring of the layout of the Insights page can be found in the wiki Configuring the Manager
thank you @Pierre , the link was useful not only about charts but also about default attributes of assets and other settings and preferences
Hi @Pierre,
I tried this option but it doesn’t work.
But it is possible to change the different logos and colors of the platform.
Realm configuration is the only thing that works.
How to solve this?
Hi Joh,
I see there is a mistake in the wiki, dataViewer is left out. I’ll update it. Try this:
"pages": {
"insights": {
"dataViewer": {
"panels": {
"testchart1": {
"type": "chart",
"hideOnMobile": true,
"panelStyles": {
"gridColumn": "1 / -1"
"testchart2": {
"type": "chart",
"hideOnMobile": true,
"panelStyles": {
"gridColumn": "1 / -1"
This should give two charts underneath each other. Note that none will be shown if you view on mobile screen size. Make sure you are not logged in as the Super user, as it will ignore parts of the manager_config (this will be fixed with a revamp of the Insights page).
It seems you are using the superuser, your admin account. Could you create a different account and log in with that one to see if its working?
Hi @Don
Thanks for your answer
I created a new account but I got the same problem.
Could you share your full manager_config please?
Here is:
“pages”: {
"insights": {
"dataViewer": {
"panels": {
"testchart1": {
"type": "chart",
"hideOnMobile": true,
"panelStyles": {
"gridColumn": "1 / -1"
"testchart2": {
"type": "chart",
"hideOnMobile": true,
"panelStyles": {
"gridColumn": "1 / -1"
“realms”: {
"default": {
"appTitle": "Trace",
"styles": ":host > * { --or-app-color2: #F9F9F9;--or-app-color2: #F9F9F9; --or-app-color3: #22211f; --or-app-color4: #0c4da2; --or-app-color5: #CCCCCC;}",
"logo": "/images/enviro.png",
"logoMobile": "/images/enviro.png",
"favicon": "/images/enviro.ico",
"language": "en"