How to apply Leaflet

I’d like to apply a map on openremote as a leaflet, so could you tell me how? I’m looking for advice.

Thank you for your advice!


Are you referring to ‘leaflet’ as the JavaScript Map library?
As in, being able to load a Leaflet configuration in the OpenRemote UI?

That’s right. I think we need to apply leaflet openstreetmap to openRemote, is there a way?

Our map in the OpenRemote UI uses MapLibre to load vector and raster tiles.
(although vector tiles are more often used by users)

I’m less familiar with Leaflet, but I do know that they’re using raster tiles (.png) for rendering.
Can’t you use the same OpenStreetMap source?

We have documentation on setting up the map here:

I’ll give it a try!

Thank you for you reply.

I have an additional question.

I converted the mbtile format, how can I apply it to OpenRemote installed in docker?

To apply a new .mbtiles source to the OpenRemote Manager,
you’ll need to insert the file in the docker container.

I just added a command to our “Useful commands and queries” page of our documentation.
See “Insert an .mbtiles file for applying a different map”:

By default, the file should be uploaded in /deployment/map/mapdata.mbtiles.
The environment variable OR_MAP_TILES_PATH can be used to change this default path.

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