How to build docker image of open remote from local code

I’m currently working on building a Docker image for a project called “Open Remote” using the open remote github code. I have the entire codebase organized in a directory structure as it is present on github, but I’m not sure how to proceed with creating the Dockerfile and building the image correctly. please guide me to create the docker image locally. thanks

Hey, you can find more info on building the OpenRemote docker images here: Installing and using Docker | OpenRemote Documentation

as you can see in the provided link they are running using the prebuild docker image provided by the open remote dockerhub registry. but i want to build my own docker image with open remote existing code on github

At the bottom of the page: Installing and using Docker | OpenRemote Documentation

To build all the images, you would need to look into all the different repositories and build from there.

is there any reference for build the image ?

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