Irrigation Asset

Hi there

When adding an asset there used to be an irrigation asset but that seems to have gone away. Has it been removed for a reason? Is it possible to get in back?


Hi Clint, the Irrigation asset is still in. We haven’t removed any of the example asset types.

Thanks Pierre

That’s good. Am I looking in the wrong place?


It’s only in the demo set up, but you can create your own asset types.

ok - I’ll look at doing that. Thanks.

Hi Pierre.

Is there a procedure for creating our own asset types?


Hi Clint, you can find a template example in the custom project as well as multiple examples in the main repository: custom-project/model/src/main/java/org/openremote/model/custom at main · openremote/custom-project · GitHub and openremote/model/src/main/java/org/openremote/model/asset/impl at master · openremote/openremote · GitHub

Thanks Pierre
I can probably work my way through this. Being new to the platform and open source world I also have to workout how to deploy any changes such as this to the system.

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