Modified code in OpenRemote (folder openremote/manager), built successfully, but docker-compose still runs default code

I’m encountering an issue while working with OpenRemote, and I’d appreciate any help in resolving it. Here’s the situation:

  1. I modified the code in OpenRemote**:
  • I made changes to some components in the project code.
  • After editing the code, I successfully built the project without any errors.
  1. Running `docker-compose -f profile/dev-ui.yml up -d :
  • After building successfully, I run docker-compose -f profile/dev-ui.yml up -d to bring up the containers.
  • However, docker-compose is still running the default code (the unchanged version), not the code I just modified.

What I’ve tried so far:

  • Checked the dev-ui.yml file to make sure the services and containers are configured correctly.
  • Used docker-compose build to rebuild the images, followed by docker-compose up -d, but the changes don’t reflect.

Running profile/dev-ui.yml will run the PostgreSQL (database), Keycloak (authentication) and the Manager backend application in Docker containers. So it’s a full localhost setup, except there is no Web UI to interact with assets and such.

To run a Web UI you need to run npm run serve in the ui/app/<your app name> folder.
This spins up a local web development server with hot reloading, so changes immediately appear.

Is this what you’re looking for?
Or what do you mean with “docker-compose is still running the default code” ?