MQTT external broker connection and configuration 2

I’m trying to address and external MQTT broker but is not clear how to configure it
In the MQTT asset configuration is shown the following fields:

Client Id

But are not indicated the user nor the password fields, necessary to access to my broker

Can someone indicate how to to configure and Client Agent that points to and external MQTT broker ?

You have to check username / password when you add the asset. I had the same problem :slight_smile:

But didn’t figured out how to go on (I’m trying to connect to TTN/TTI)

I don’t see where those username / password are. Can you please send me a snapshot of the menu ?

Hi pberna

i didn’t tried the attribute, but you can add it to the agent.

When you add the mqtt agent:

Or add the attribute to an excisting agent:

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Maybe we should set that attribute to be added by default

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Yes thank problem solved.
Adding attribuite user name and password and filling in the related edit box with


created a correct connection to the broker

Now second problem
The OpenRemote MQTT Agent sends to often PING REQ messages to my broker.
How can I trim the update frequency of the Agent ?

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Try: Add Attribute PollingMilis

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Unfortunately it doesn’t work, even if I set the PollingMils to 10000 ms the update time of the PING_REQ messages is always 5-6s. I tried also to set it to 60000, (1 minute) the update rate is always 5-6s