OpenRemote White Label Login Page Custom Deployment Help

Hello @apurba just try to change theme with themes in your folder structure.

issue resolved , file is okay which was given by @pcr.

I was forget to copy css and js folder

Thanks team


Yes! you are right somewhere it calls the demo for a moment and comes for a second everytime when page login and logout, even everytime when page chages in openremote dashboard. When asking for this has somebody tried to fix this from openremote support team?

I can’t remember when I asked this, but we can try to ask for more informations

@Don @Rich @martin.peeters do you have any idea about this?

@Don @Rich @martin.peeters please assist us on this that how to fix this and we hope you guys would come out with a solution to fix this for us. Thanks.

try this


Hello @apurba, we have done this and no doubt it works. But when you login and page load pay attention to browser window it still display Openremote Demo title with its logo for less than a second before loading the Custom Project title. Please check and let me know did you notice it? Thanks.

yes, I notice that there is a glitch.

Right! actually, thats it what we are discussing about to fix this glitch.


That small glitch of having an “OpenRemote demo” title on the manager,
I believe has to do with the fetching process of the realm styling / manager config.
As in, that title is default for the Manager, which gets replaced to your own title when loading the page.
It shouldn’t be displayed for too long, especially with a decent internet connection.

Can’t say I’m 100% sure it’s causing this, probably @Rich can clarify better
on what’s going on and how to avoid this. Or maybe how to replace the default title.

Hello @martin.peeters, @Rich, I am still looking for any solution from you to fix this glitch issue. Can you please clarify better on what’s going on and how to avoid this? Or maybe how to replace the default title please? Thanks.

The page gets loaded before the manager_config gets fetched,
causing a ‘default title’ during the fetching process.

If you’re building a custom app, you can solve this easily by customizing the index.html file manually.
This is where the default ‘OpenRemote demo’ title is specified

For the manager app I don’t think there’s a fix possible sadly,
since it requires JavaScript fetching to apply customization options.

Hello @martin.peeters, thanks for keep assisting on this issue. You are right that

Next, could you please assist me further about building a custom app process or link to workout on custom app deployment process? Thanks.

The GitHub wiki can assist in that.
Creating a custom project is the easiest way to customize OpenRemote,
such as creating custom apps or extending / overriding existing logic.

An example of a custom app is given in the custom project repo itself :slight_smile:
So many of us use that as a boilerplate / starting point.

See here:

I can imagine the setup could be a bit overwhelming, especially for a small issue like this…
But yeah at some point the customization options aren’t enough for what you want haha
It will help at least with gaining lots of flexibility :wink:

Hello @martin.peeters, okay! thank you once again for your valuable support. I completely understand and bear with you.

Well…! the 100% open source, especially for a small issue like this, which can’t be modified or fixed by any means at customization level still keeps OpenRemote a bit at 99.9% from its 100% open source :smiling_face_with_tear:

Hello @martin.peeters, I am a bit confused between your mentioned custom app and manager app. Could you please clear what is the difference please? Which one I am using actually, as I can customize it to full white label?

Here is my working folder tree structure:


I don’t wanna go much in details since this thread is getting pretty long, but here you go :joy:

See it like this:

The manager app is created by us, and availabe at “http://<address>/manager/
You can add your own apps on top of this, hosted on for example “http://<address>/custom/”.
Add as many as you like, they will act the same with their custom URL.

All the commands to run the web server are the same, but ran in “/ui/app/<name>” instead.

Why I mentioned it is because you can reuse pages from the manager app :wink:
How this works? Check the index.ts file of your custom app.

This is the one the manager uses:

export const DefaultPagesConfig: PageProvider<any>[] = [

You can duplicate the original files, paste them into your custom app folder,
and edit them to your liking :slight_smile:

Of course you can also create your own custom pages, and add those there as well.
Endless possibilities basically haha

Hello @martin.peeters, thanks for keep trying to clearing the concept, but sorry to say it again I am still confused :confused: :innocent:

Actually, i didn’t get any such file named index.ts in any of the folders even in app folder, which all are created and working under deployment folder. Could you please review my mentioned folder structure for my custom openremote setup?

Sorry, but there is no such file path with my openremote setup . Please review the folder tree structure. where this /ui/app/<name> came from? Please clear :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for always keep supporting.

If that’s all to the folder structure, then you don’t have a complete “custom project”-project as we call it.

It might be a bit confusing if you’re not fimiliar. But when we talk about a “custom project”-project, we mean the “custom project”-setup from the repository we provide on GitHub. Not necessairly someone who is making a custom project in general.

Since it is getting off-track…

Let’s continue this “Custom Project” / custom deployment post you made: