I tried running openremote on my local machine which works fine. Now I want to be able to access the ui on my IP address, lets say On a windows pc running Docker Desktop I checked out the custom project github (GitHub - openremote/custom-project: Template repo for creating an OpenRemote custom project) and followed the guide (Custom deployment | OpenRemote Documentation). I have had this working on localhost, so now I am running the following command inside the custom-project repo:
cmd /C “set OR_HOSTNAME= && docker compose up”
I can now reach the log in screen on and use the same username and password as before, but after log in I get a blank screen. In the console I get a 403 forbidden from POST request to
Hello. I have tried to start an OR instance with the OR_HOSTNAME parameter, and it generates a 403 error when the HTTP APIs are invoked ( /api/realm/* ) and when looking at the result of the request to the API in the browser’s developer tools, the error origin not allowed is returned.
I have checked the keycloack component in the openremote client ( weborigins and redirects urls and I have updated them to the OR_HOSTNAME url, by default it is https://localhost/*) but the error persists.
I have created a service user and a user with superadmin and the error persists.
I don’t know if the error is associated with the manager or with keycloack
Curious if you ever got this to work? I am trying a custom hostname (with an A record to a public IP in our DNS server) and ports 80, 443, 1883, 8883, and 8443 forwarded to the Windows (Docker Desktop) host’s private/internal IP.
Issues during the setup of a custom hostname are quite common here on the forum.
In most cases it’s a configuration issue, so this doesn’t necessarily sound like a bug to me.
There also seems nothing wrong with the details you provided.
But feel free to open up a new topic to discuss your issue