Potential issue with keycloak

I believe I’m very close to getting a custom deployment working on a remote server but I’m having trouble accessing the manager with the super user.
The web developer console suggests an issue accessing keycloak but I can access it ok through <OR_HOSTNAME>/auth

As you can see in the below screenshot, the main menu is also incomplete

docker-compose.yml.txt (6.5 KB)

Here is the docker compose file I use on the remote server.
Everything is pulled successfully and the container runs but just this issue with the manager remains


I still see awslog handler and efs-data in your docker compose which we use in our AWS instances, are you running on AWS also, I guess so as awslog driver would throw an error otherwise?

I don’t see any quick obvious issues with your compose file I assume the keycloak container shows as healthy? Worth looking at the logs of the keycloak container.

You could also provide the docker inspect output (please remove sensitive passwords, etc.).

Hi Rich,

Yep, as you know from my other post, I am deploying to AWS.
The error I’m getting above seems to be of my own doing with some customisations I made (only a new asset and MQTT handler).

Could you tell me the correct process for adding such extensions when running the Manager through the IDE, in terms of what needs restarting / building after something is added or removed?

For instance, if I create an asset in Java and serve the UI with NPM and run the manager with the IDE, if I want to then remove the asset, the steps I’ve been taking are as follows but I’m not sure if they are overkill?

  1. Stop run config in IDE
  2. Stop serving the UI
  3. Remove the asset code
  4. Build using IDE
  5. Run IDE run config
  6. Server UI


If you are modifying model classes then you will need to rebuild the typescript model if you are using that in your custom UI code; you can use the gradle task:

./gradlew modelWatch

You can also run this task in continuous mode so gradle will rebuild the typescript model whenever java model files change:

./gradlew -t modelWatch

If you aren’t changing model java files that are used in your UI then you can just stop start your IDE run /debug session.

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