Preinstalled attribute links

Hi. Could please somebody tell me? Are thare any ways to add asset id to the the attribute links.
My goal is to create something like ready to use asset. Only thing i should do is just to add agent link and everything should work.
Now i have this structure
new MetaItem<>(MetaItemType.ATTRIBUTE_LINKS, new AttributeLink[] {
new AttributeLink(
new AttributeRef(“THE_ASSET_ID_YOU_COPY_FROM_ITS_URL”, “Status”),
new ValueFilter[]{
new JsonPathFilter(“$.data.status”, true, false)
new AttributeLink(
new AttributeRef(“THE_ASSET_ID_YOU_COPY_FROM_ITS_URL”, “Info”),
new ValueFilter[]{
new JsonPathFilter(“$”, true, false)

And I should copy asset id from URL and replace “THE_ASSET_ID_YOU_COPY_FROM_ITS_URL”
I just want to know if there any way to do this from the beginning. Sorry for my possible misunderstanding. It’s the first time I work with Java and such project.


How do you intend to preinstall these assets?

We have an autoprovisioning mechanism and there is also SetupTasks for pre-provisioning in an empty DB.

P.S. you can supply asset IDs when creating assets, so you could generate your own IDs and insert them into the JSON where needed…the IDs must follow our format.