Problems linking MQTTx (MQTT external broker) and Open Remote

Hi everyone :open_hands:

First of all, thanks for taking the time to help!

I’m new to IoT and currently facing some challenges while trying to link MQTTx with OpenRemote. I’ve been following the documentation, but I’m still having trouble subscribing to my topics from MQTTx. I suspect I’m doing something wrong but can’t quite figure it out.

Could anyone provide some advice or point me to a tutorial that could help? I’d really appreciate any guidance you can offer.

Thanks in advance!

Good morning,

If you’re talking about connecting to the OpenRemote MQTT broker using MQTTx, it should be the same as with any other MQTT client. You can take a look at this.

If you’re talking about connecting OpenRemote to the MQTTx broker, then you will need to use an MQTT agent, docs found here.

Best of luck!

Good morning!

Thanks for your response. I’m trying to connect OpenRemote to the MQTT broker. I read the documentation you referred me to, but I’m still a bit lost. I created an MQTT Agent—should I use the same Client ID that MQTTx shows me when I create a connection? It’s quite confusing to me because I didn’t find a space to input this information:

This is my current configuration:

I have another question: According to the documentation, after creating this agent (which I’m not sure is connected to the MQTTx broker), I need to create an asset “with attribute(s) of the Value Type that matches the incoming/outgoing data, and give those attributes the configuration item ‘Agent Link’.” I want to register the speed of a DC motor—what type of Asset should I select? I know this might be straightforward, but as I mentioned, I’m feeling a bit lost at the moment.

To connect to an external broker, you’d need to use the correct URL, port, authentication, (and client ID). From your screenshot, you would use that data, and put that in the OpenRemote MQTT agent. From your screenshot the agent shows that it has connected to the broker, but it seems that you are using localhost.

About the asset question, any asset type you’d like. About the attribute, just make sure that the formatting of the value matches the data type of the attribute you’d be writing the value to.

best of luck!

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Thank you very much @panos ! It worked! :raised_hands:

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