New to openremote and docker. I am trying to follow the quickstart instructions located at
I downloaded the docker-compose.yml
I run docker-compose pull and get this message: level=warning msg=docker-compose.yml: version is obsolete
I run docker-compose -p openremote up and get this message:
manager-1 | at
manager-1 | at org.openremote.container.Container.start(
manager-1 | at org.openremote.container.Container.startBackground(
manager-1 | at org.openremote.manager.Main.main(
Gracefully stopping… (press Ctrl+C again to force)
When running docker-compose up as you did earlier,
it will stop OpenRemote once you close the terminal or exit the process using Ctrl+C. This is the default behavior of the docker-compose CLI tool.
If you do not want this, and keep it running when exiting, you can run it in “detached” mode;
docker-compose -p openremote up -d
It will now keep OpenRemote running until you run docker-compose down,
or manually stop the docker containers.