Request for help with: Zwave.log shows node but dev.log state node is not known

All, having trouble getting Zwave going with OR 2.6 Beta (2.6Beta with ZWave jar 3.1.2-Beta1, Windows 7, Java jdk1.8.0_111)

Zwave reads the nodes and seems to be communicating but I get “Send Request Error Command not found.” when I activate the switches from the panels and “N/A” show for the sensors.

The Zwave.log shows the node (see #4 below), but the dev.log says “is not known by the Z-Wave controller”

TCP/IP Protocols work fine so I assume it’s Zwave specific.

Zwave Log:

[INFO 2016-12-10 13:48:07,496 (Z-Wave):

The beginning of the Z-Wave log file ‘******/logs/zwave/zwave.log’ **should look like the following :

Looks like my log is missing the opening acknowledgement (see below).

OZWForm can see all of my nodes without OR running so not sure what to try next.

Thanks in advance for your help.

[INFO 2016-12-10 13:48:07,496 (Z-Wave):

Do you run OR as regular user or root?
I have similar errors when run OR as regular user. Please use try with sudo.

Its a Windows machine but I will make sure I am running OR as an administrator and report back.

My old version of OR with java 1.6 launched from the same batch file (as admin) and zwave works just fine.

Which version of Windows (7, 8, 10 - 32/64 bit) do you have ?

Do you see an error in the log like the following ?

I’ve executed the following Windows tests and it worked as expected.

Windows 10 32 bit

OpenRemoteControler 2.5.0 (

Z-Wave 3.1.2 Beta1

Java 1.6

Aeon Labs Z-Stick Gen5

Windows 10 64 bit

OpenRemoteControler 2.5.0 (

Z-Wave 3.1.2 Beta1

Java 1.6

Aeon Labs Z-Stick Gen5

Windows 10 64 bit

OpenRemoteControler 2.6.0 (Beta1) (

Z-Wave 3.1.2 Beta1

Java 1.8

Aeon Labs Z-Stick Gen5

Unfortunately I do not have a Windows 7 system at hand - I’ll let you know when I’ve made the Windows 7 test.

Win 7 64bit. Running as administrator and no confirmation of the com port opening (log below):

[INFO 2016-12-15 15:33:18,829 (Z-Wave):

Just tried Java 1.6, 1.7, and 1.8 with controller V2.6 beta and non of them show the com port opening confirmation (ran as administrator). Not sure what to try next.

Hi, I’m having issues running the same builds on Windows 8

Windows 8 64 bit

OpenRemoteControler 2.6.0 (Beta1) (

Z-Wave 3.1.2 Beta1

Java 1.8

Aeon Labs Z-Stick Gen5

The node is successfully added but it never seems to finish initialization / inclusion and never creates the nodexx.xml file. Get java.exceptions which look to be related straight after it receives node info. Any ideas would be appreciated. I’ve tried several different machines / java versions.

ERROR [HTTP-Thread-4]: Failed to execute REST API call '

controller/rest/commands’ : Invalid URL format – expected format '/rest/devices

/{device_name}/commands?name={command_name}’, got ‘/rest/commandsnull’.

Jan 06, 2017 11:29:51 PM org.restlet.engine.connector.HttpClientHelper start

INFO: Starting the internal HTTP client

INFO 2017-01-06 23:30:02,804 : Inclusion_Manager : Node ‘19’ : Z-Wave

node has been successfully added to the SECURE Z-Wave network.

Jan 06, 2017 11:30:02 PM org.restlet.engine.connector.HttpClientHelper stop

INFO: Stopping the internal HTTP client

Jan 06, 2017 11:30:02 PM org.restlet.engine.connector.HttpClientHelper stop

INFO: Stopping the internal HTTP client

Jan 06, 2017 11:30:02 PM org.restlet.engine.connector.HttpClientHelper stop

INFO: Stopping the internal HTTP client

Jan 06, 2017 11:30:02 PM org.restlet.engine.connector.HttpClientHelper stop

INFO: Stopping the internal HTTP client

INFO 2017-01-06 23:30:02,851 : Controller : Z-Wave node info (





Exception in thread “pool-1-thread-5” java.lang.ClassCastException: org.openremo

te.protocol.zwave.model.commandclasses.CCMultiChannelV2FuncDecorator cannot be c

ast to org.openremote.protocol.zwave.port.function.ZWSendDataFunc

at org.openremote.protocol.zwave.model.commandclasses.CCSecurityFuncDeco


at org.openremote.protocol.zwave.model.commandclasses.Context.decorateFu


at org.openremote.protocol.zwave.model.commandclasses.Context.decorateFu


at org.openremote.protocol.zwave.model.commandclasses.CCSecurity.enqueue


at org.openremote.protocol.zwave.model.ZWNodeInitializer.nextSecureEndPo


at org.openremote.protocol.zwave.model.ZWNodeInitializer.access$5000(ZWN

at org.openremote.protocol.zwave.model.ZWNodeInitializer$13.ccMultiChann


at org.openremote.protocol.zwave.model.commandclasses.CCMultiChannelV2$G


at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.


at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$



Jan 06, 2017 11:30:23 PM org.restlet.engine.connector.HttpClientHelper start

INFO: Starting the internal HTTP client

Jan 06, 2017 11:30:56 PM org.restlet.engine.connector.HttpClientHelper start

INFO: Starting the internal HTTP client

There seems to be a bug with security enabled multi channel devices - presumably this combination (security/multi channel) hasn’t been tested so far.

What type of device do you have ?

I have a Fibaro FGD-212 (dimmer 2)

I’m currently working on a bugfix and let let you know when a new version is available.