Rules: timer does not recognize cron protocol


I'm running Raspbian Jessie and Openremote 2.6.

Here is my stripped-down rules file:

package org.openremote.controller.protocol
global org.openremote.controller.statuscache.CommandFacade execute;
global org.openremote.controller.statuscache.SwitchFacade switches;
global org.openremote.controller.statuscache.LevelFacade levels;
import org.openremote.controller.protocol.*;
import org.openremote.controller.model.event.*;
import java.lang.Float;

rule "MBath to NIGHT"
timer (cron : 0 30 22 * * * ?) // 0th sec, 30th min, 10pm, any DOM, any DOW, no yr
execute.command("Set MBath to Night");

When I run start Openremote, I get these errors in the dev.log file:

2017-07-10 13:33:06,999 ERROR [Controller Definition File Watcher for Default Deployer]:
  Rule definition 'modeler_rules.drl' could not be deployed. See errors below.

2017-07-10 13:33:07,000 ERROR [Controller Definition File Watcher for Default Deployer]:
  Protocol for timer does not exist 'cron : 0 30 22 * * * ?'

Where does the cron protocol come from? Do I need a global or import? Which one?

Thanks folks...


Very strange error message indeed. Probably it has nothing to do with the real error. Anyway, from what I see you provide 7 constants to the cron expression, while there should be only 6. Some examples of valid timer corn expressions:

timer(cron: 0 0/2 * * * ?)
timer(cron: 30 45 1 * * ?)
timer(cron: 15 15 9 ? * mon-fri)

Hello Michal and Onlookers;

Indeed I had too many parameters to cron, but that was not the primary problem:

  timer(cron: 0 30 22 * * ?) // WORKS!!

  timer(cron : 0 30 22 * * ?) // Produces ERROR..

Although documentation in:

    from the header "##Cron Expression" onwards, SHOWS "cron :" USAGE!!

Whoever's responsible should fix the documentation...

