I’ve created simple deployment of OpenRemote with Master and test realms. It works fine on https://openremote.somedomain.com URL on desktop web browser and mobile web browser (on mobile I need to add “/manager/?realm=realm_name” in URL to get to particular realm, it’s OK). Problem is when I want to log on from Android mobile app downloaded from Google Play.
Right after installation and accepting privacy policy app asks me for a domain name “ENTER THE APP DOMAIN”. When I enter here “openremote.somedomain.com” (with no quotes of course) it responds with error “Could not connect do domain. Please verify address”. The same when I enter “https://openremote.somedomain.com”.
When I enter “openremote.somedomain.com/” (with tailling slash) it moves to next step “Connect to your app” where I can enter realm name. No matter what name I enter here (master or test) and click Finish, there’s an error message on the next screen stating that requested web page is unavailable. URL I see there is:
It seems that there’s hardcoded URL part “openremote.app” which is appended to entered on first screen domain name . As I understand it should work for “demo” as there is demo.remoteapp.com site with OR demo instance but doesn’t it interfere with correctly entered domain for self hosted OR instances?
If not, what am I doing wrong and how can I connect Android app to my OR instance?