Sending data from Openremote via Websocket Agent


I set up a websocket agent in Openremote and I can connect to my local server and receive data, but I am not sure how to send data from the websocket agent down to my server?

Please can anyone assist?

Any help is appreciated!


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Hello there,
To send data from the WebSocket agent in Openremote to your server what you can do is try following these steps:

  1. Ensure your WebSocket agent is connected to the server.
  2. Define the message format.
  3. Use Openremote’s method to send data.
  4. Handle the data on your server.
  5. Test to confirm functionality.
    If you need further help let me know.

Hi Shawn, I only saw your reply now. Thanks a lot for the information, I really appreciate it. I am only trying again now, we are trying to evaluate OR and our existing cloud infrastructure which is AWS based. I am very new to OR so forgive me if all this information is somewhere, I went through the documentation but did not find anything very specific to a Websocket Agent in terms of setting up sending.
A step by step explanation of what I have done:

  1. Create a Websocket Agent, it does in fact connect and I can receive data, that I have confirmed.
  2. Create a Things asset and link an attribute to the agent. This is working in terms of receiving
  3. Where I need guidance, is setting up the sending. Below is a screenshot of what I have done but I am really not sure if this is the right way of trying to send data to the server…

    From the screenshot you can see that the ReceivedData Attribute is updated correctly, But the SendData does not work at all…

Hope to hear from you soon! Thanks again!

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