Store datapoints? My attribute not visible in table? (@arianekuhne)

@arianekuhne posted this on a forum topic, continuing the conversation here.

Hello, I have some question about this topic.

1º: I create a atribute call ‘transaction’ and configure to ‘store data points’ and ‘Show in dashboard’, but when I go create the table on dashboard, this atribute that I create is not showed, and I can not add to my table. How can I make this to show in my table? Is directly changing my manager_config.json?

2º: The ‘Store Datapoints’ shows the value change in the attribute, but can I see how user changed that?

First of all, welcome to the forum @arianekuhne :partying_face:

  1. I think the table widget on the dashboard works a bit different than you think.
    It is meant to get an overview of multiple assets and attribute, and show their current value.
    If you’re looking for the history of an attribute, currently only the chart widget works.
    For the time being you can use the history panel on the assets page: (on the right)

    Or am I misunderstanding this? Maybe share a screenshot to show what is going on?
  1. To explain; adding Store datapoints to an attribute, makes sure previous values are saved in the database. So for instance making visuals like graphs with values of the past month. @arianekuhne can you describe what you mean with “can I see how user changed that” ? :slight_smile:

Hopefully this will help finding a solution :wink:

Hello Martin,

Thank you for the fast answer.
Let me clarify some points:

  1. The history of the attribute call ‘transactions’ works fine. But in the dashboard, I want to put the last value of the asset call ‘tpa 1’ and the attribute call ‘transactions’ in a table. But the attibute call ‘transactions’ do not shows for me on dashboard.

Only shows the attibuts ‘defaults’, not the attributes that I created.

  1. The history of the stored value in the attribute is showed in the history. But can I see which*(my bad) user make that update in the value? So a user call ‘user1’ change the ‘transactions’ value to ‘10’, and then user call ‘user2’ change the ‘transactions’ value to ‘20’, can I see that the user1 did a change in attribute on history?


Inserting ‘custom’ attributes to the table is unfortunately not possible in the table.
Since the table is showing multiple assets of a single AssetType, you can only select attributes all assets have in common; the ones unique to the AssetType. It would require you to programmatically write a custom AssetType, and add your attribute to it. All other widgets (other than the image- and table) work with custom attributes. :wink:

On the topic of inspecting who has updated a value; this becomes quite tricky.
We do not keep track of what user updates an attribute, especially since many use-cases involve devices or external systems that update these through the Manager APIs or through an AgentLink. You can add an attribute like ‘lastUserUpdated’ and fill it with a username that is used in your external system for example.

Ok, thank you very much!

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What if the custom attributes all have the same name and label in all those same asset type, would they show up then? Or no matter what custom attribute will never show up?


Unfortunately the custom attributes will not show up in this case, because you are only able to select attributes that have already been defined within that asset type. If you would like to show those attributes, you would need to inherit an asset type and thus define your own asset type.

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