Store datapoints? My attribute not visible in table? (@arianekuhne)

First of all, welcome to the forum @arianekuhne :partying_face:

  1. I think the table widget on the dashboard works a bit different than you think.
    It is meant to get an overview of multiple assets and attribute, and show their current value.
    If you’re looking for the history of an attribute, currently only the chart widget works.
    For the time being you can use the history panel on the assets page: (on the right)

    Or am I misunderstanding this? Maybe share a screenshot to show what is going on?
  1. To explain; adding Store datapoints to an attribute, makes sure previous values are saved in the database. So for instance making visuals like graphs with values of the past month. @arianekuhne can you describe what you mean with “can I see how user changed that” ? :slight_smile:

Hopefully this will help finding a solution :wink: