Supported languages

Hello all.

Is there some plan for this solution to support Portuguese (Brasil) language?

Thanks in advance.


Languages are added on a case by case basis and also by what languages people in our team can translate, if this is something youā€™re interested in and would be happy to work on. Then weā€™d be happy to give you access to do this on Github (just be going through a JSON file and entering some English to Portuguese translations) and we can merge it into the code base.

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Hi Rich,

I could do translation into Polish if you like.

Best regards,

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Hi Michal,

Thanks for the kind contribution offer; once our locale file is a bit more mature weā€™ll get in touch.

Best regards,


You mentioned whether we considered Portuguese. As Richard mentioned, we currently cover 5 languages as those are the ones we speak with the current team.

However, Portuguese is of course a very attractive language, given the wide use as #7 language.

Would you be interested in making the translation to Portuguese in a JSON file?
It also helps if you could next go through the platform and test whether the chosen words make sense in their contextā€¦and update once in a while.

Let us know!

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Hello Pierreā€¦ sure, I can do the translation to Portuguese/Brasil in my best effort. Iā€™d just ask you to share information on how I can colaborate with it. Happy to see this week that Portuguese is already in the list of supported languages


Hi BR, yes indeed we added Portuguese. However it needs regular updating of course. There is a language file for it. So if you notice words which miss a proper translation you could help out by pointing them out or updating this file openremote/or.json at master Ā· openremote/openremote Ā· GitHub

Hi, can i get access for Turkish translation.

Hi Burak, you can find translation files here: openremote/manager/src/web/shared/locales at master Ā· openremote/openremote Ā· GitHub If you copy a or.json example and just replace the second word with the Turkish equivalent, we can add it once shared.

Thank you Pierre. I would do it.

I wonder where exactly ā€œSceneā€ word we see on platform ?

Currently not using it, but you can assume it means ā€˜sceneā€™ in the context of a ā€˜light sceneā€™

Thanks to @accabog we now support Romanian as well :slight_smile: