Upload assets in bulk

I’m inquiring because I couldn’t find a way to insert a large amount of assets using openRemote during the project.
Also, if you add the asset to the added Realm, I would appreciate it if you could also let me know the location saved in the DB.

Best regards

Kyungmin Nam


There is no bulk import mechanism but you could use a few approaches:

  • A custom setup which does the import at startup
  • A custom agent which can read the assets from a file and add them
  • Use the HTTP API to add assets from an external client

All assets are stored in the asset table:

docker exec or-postgresql-1 psql -U postgres -d openremote -c "select id, name, realm from asset;"

Thank you for your response.

As an additional question, could you please let me know if it is possible to insert in bulk by entering only essential items among columns on the DB?

Yes you could do it directly on the DB, just restart the manager container after doing this