Using Python to communicate with OpenRemote using MQTT (paho-MQTT)

Hi all,

I want to share a short guide a student has made while she was working on a project using OpenRemote. All credits go to Nina Taken and her team for creating a wonderful project (video will come soon) and this guide.

MQTT-OpenRemote.pdf (488.3 KB)

They connected an ESP32 with sensors to monitor soil and air conditions for plants to OpenRemote. She used paho-MQTT as MQTT client in Python to connect to our broker. I hope it will be helpful for some of you!

If you have any questions I will direct them to her, or ask her to join our forum.



Hey Don,

I guess there is missing some Code for the ESP.

ESP32 can micropython, but it is not that usual, and the example in the doc don‘t provide micropython for an ESP.

Hi Denis,

Thanks for letting me know. I adjusted the title a little bit to focus more on the Python side of it.


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Used this example, and I had problem with clientMQTT.tls_set(certify.where()) ()

May be it was because I use virtualbox+ubuntuserver with OR and trying to connect from PC+windows over local net.
So, if you have same problems, you can try this code (visual studio code + python3.10):

import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import time
import certifi
import ssl
import json

def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
if rc == 0:
print(“Connected to broker”)
global Connected #Use global variable
Connected = True #Signal connection
print(“Connection failed”)

def on_publish(client, userdata, result):
print(f’Data published. Data: {attribute_value}')

def on_message(client, userdata, message):
msg = json.loads(message.payload.decode(“utf-8”))
id = msg[“attributeState”][“ref”][“id”]
att_name = msg[“attributeState”][“ref”][“name”]
att_value = msg[“attributeState”][“value”]
print(f’Message received. Asset ID: {id}. Attribute name: {att_name}. Attribute value: {att_value}')

Connected = False
username = ‘master:mqttuser’
secret = ‘UwNbCqV_YOUR_SECRET_DYDvzP5Z’
host = ‘salmon.local’
port = 8883
clientID = ‘WQTTwrt’
assetID = ‘7PaWocH_YOUR_THING_pq93h’
attributeWr = ‘writeAttribute’
attribute_value = 10

attributeRd = ‘subscribeAttribute’

clientMQTT = mqtt.Client(clientID)
clientMQTT.username_pw_set(username, password = secret)

//# the key steps here
context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2)
//# if you do not want to check the cert hostname, skip it
//# context.check_hostname = False

clientMQTT.on_connect = on_connect
clientMQTT.on_publish = on_publish
clientMQTT.on_message = on_message
clientMQTT.connect(host, port=port)

while Connected != True:

while attribute_value <=42 :
clientMQTT.publish(f"master/{clientID}/writeattributevalue/{attributeWr}/{assetID}“, attribute_value)

attribute_value += 1


//# the key steps here
context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2)
//# if you do not want to check the cert hostname, skip it
//# context.check_hostname = False

you need to remove //


Hi Don,
I read the document shared by you and I tried to connect Open remote using Python script. but i have doubt In document they write in python code “” as a Host. but here I am using “https://localhost/manager/#/assets/false/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx” as host. so i think for that i am not able to connect with openremote. so what should I write here as host.

Thank you

If your docker runs locally, then just type in: localhost