When-then rules not triggering any action

Hi, I need help, I am out of clue why my openremote not triggering any action. I have setup when an asset temperature is greater than 10 celcius (I have stored data points with MQTT, it is more than 10 celcius) to trigger email or push notification, none of it has triggered.

The logs show as below then do not have any log regarding the action triggered, is it normal? I am not sure what I missed. I have enabled Rule State, Rule Event, Rule Reset Immediate to the attribute as well.

Starting: RulesEngineId{scope=RealmRuleset, realm=‘sdemo’, assetId=‘null’}
Compiling ruleset deployment: RealmRuleset{id=‘44356’, version=‘1’, name=‘Test 3’, lang=‘JSON’, createdOn=‘Thu Oct 24 13:07:01 CEST 2024’, lastModified=‘Thu Oct 24 13:07:01 CEST 2024’, enabled=‘true’, meta=‘{}’, realm=‘sdemo’, accessPublicRead=‘false’}

Please help to advice me further, thank you very much.

You need to add Rule State configuration item to the attribute(s) you want to monitor in rules.



Hi Alex,

Assuming its not fixed yet, could you add an attribute to the Then side so that you can verify the rule triggers? E.g. write “test” to the notes attribute of the Motor Temperature asset.

Kind regards,


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