Does anyone know if it’s possible to trigg a Zwave “Heal Network” from Openremote to force the controller to collect neighbor information and recompute optimal routing? Or is this done by regular schedules from OpenRemote by default ?
sorry for delay,
automatic network healing hasn’t been implemented yet. I’ve already implemented an internal function which can be used to heal a single Z-Wave node but there is currently no way to trigger this function manually.
I’ve seen that automatic network healing could cause a lot of trouble and therefore I’m a bit cautious publishing this functionality. Most probably in a first step I’ll publish a function that has to be executed manually in order to heal a single node.
Hi Rainer,
Ok, thanks for your answer.
I started to get delays when triggering Z-Wave devices. I used Silicon Labs Z-Wave PC Programmer application to trigger a “network heal “ with success. All delays disappeared after that, so that’s was a workaround for now.