Add timeseries by Postman

Watching the forum i tried a json method to modify an asset field.
For example:

    "ref": {
      "id": "68k1gpNuppd8an7hNSerA5",
      "name": "power"
    "value": "10"
    "ref": {
      "id": "68k1gpNuppd8an7hNSerA5",
      "name": "power"
    "value": "20"

but i always have the last value. May i add a timestamp to create a sequence values about “power” field ? (or another measurement field)
Francesco DG


Which API endpoint are you trying to PUT that data to?

There is currently no HTTP endpoint for uploading historical datapoints for a given attribute; you will have to do this directly on the DB using psql as described in this post:

ok but is expected only active data source? Is there a passive endpoint where can i send data collections on a specific asset?

Historical attribute/sensor data is stored in the asset_datapoint table; the HTTP API for this currently only retrieves data; as mentioned the linked forum post gives details about how to import historical data directly into this table so it is then available for the history charts.