Error with keycloak on Ubuntu with Docker Compose. Invalid parameter: redirect_uri


I have recently started testing OpenRemote and found it to be really good. I have setup OpenRemote with docker-compose and starting with below command OR_SSL_PORT=443 docker-compose up

Everything loads fine and, SSL certs and everything works fine. After Login, from menu when I click on Account, I get below error

Invalid parameter: redirect_uri

And below are the logs I see in docker-compose

keycloak_1    | 2024-06-16 22:11:01,247 WARN  [org.keycloak.theme.DefaultThemeManager] (executor-thread-2) Not found parent theme 'keycloak' of theme 'openremote'. Unable to load ACCOUNT theme 'openremote' due to this.
keycloak_1    | 2024-06-16 22:11:01,248 ERROR [org.keycloak.theme.DefaultThemeManager] (executor-thread-2) Failed to find ACCOUNT theme openremote, using built-in themes
keycloak_1    | 2024-06-16 22:11:01,248 WARN  [org.keycloak.theme.DefaultThemeManager] (executor-thread-2) Not found parent theme 'keycloak' of theme 'openremote'. Unable to load ACCOUNT theme 'openremote' due to this.
keycloak_1    | 2024-06-16 22:11:01,249 ERROR [org.keycloak.theme.DefaultThemeManager] (executor-thread-2) Failed to find ACCOUNT theme openremote, using built-in themes
keycloak_1    | 2024-06-16 22:11:03,819 WARN  [] (executor-thread-2) type="LOGIN_ERROR", realmId="ada94259-28f5-46b9-b63e-1de897b9a2b3", clientId="account-console", userId="null", ipAddress="", error="invalid_redirect_uri", redirect_uri=""

I have no idea whats wrong. I found Error with keycloack on vps with docker. Invalid parameter: redirect_uri : SOLVED which does not actually solves anything.

How can I get this sorted out.


The issue seems to be with the redirection URL. Specifically, the domain might not exist.

Please list down all the steps that you followed.


I can confirm that the actual URL does exists and I have been using it without any problem. The issue only happens when I try to open the Account from the Menu. Everything else seems to be working fine.
I have added new assets, working fine and changed user’s password which is also working fine and tried creating Realms which is also working fine.
So URL definitely is working.

I am using NGROK based URL so it is public.

  1. First started NGROK on port 80
  2. Started OpenRemote using the command OR_SSL_PORT=443 docker-compose up
  3. Once SSL Cert generated successfully, I stopped NGROK and started NGROK to serve traffic from port 443 which is the OR_SSL_PORT
  4. URL is working fine and I was able to login using default credentials and then changed the password and tested functionality by creating different assets, realms and other things.

Error only happens when I click on Account from Menu.


change hostname, put machine ip.


I want to use hostname and not IP Address. If this is a limitation then I think the platform is of ZERO use to anyne.

You can use hostname .

Please try not setting OR_SSL_PORT as you are setting it to the default value; keycloak has issues with it being explicitly set to 443 as most browsers will just remove it from the URL and then you get the URI mismatches.