Show a list of current alarms/threshold alerts for all assets on single dashboard?

I’m surprised that my search efforts haven’t found anyone else interested in displaying a list of current alarms/notifications/threshold alerts in a data table on a dashboard. Doesn’t it make sense to see current issues across multiple assets in a single page? Is there some better way of doing this that I’m not seeing?

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on the map you could change the behave of the marker colors

for example: if a attribute threshold is >100 then change marker color to red

would this be helpful?

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This would work up to a certain number of devices, but I wonder how scaleable this is. For instance, I have about 250 devices that I’m about to connect; If 10 of them have some sort of issue, I would have to click on each one first to see what the issue is. To me a simple table with the alerts, error message and priority would be much clearer to work with.

Hi McSquibble,

We indeed have more interest in this feature which we call alarms. It’s a potentially big concept that we want to get right. The alarms should be generated from rules and agents, should be persistent and carry a status, assignee, linked assets etc.

Do not expect it very soon, but we are working on it. Any input is appreciated!



you can add a label, which appears on top of the marker, so you can see directly on the map, which asset has which problem.

"markers": {
  "ElectricityProducerSolarAsset": {
    "attributeName": "energyExportTotal",
    "showLabel": true,
    "showUnits": true,
    "colours": {
      "type": "range",
      "ranges": [
          "max": 50,
          "colour": "39B54A"
          "max": 80,
          "colour": "F7931E"
          "max": 100,
          "colour": "C1272D"

Unfortunately I have no other idea, except to write something in the groovy rules.
Maybe @Rich has an idea.

If you could link an asset to a ‘profile’ or some object that allows default values to be set, then you can set default threshold values for alarms which can be reused for all assets of the same type.

In the When-Then rules you could select an asset type > any of this type > describe all attribute thresholds and in Then set a separate attribute e.g. ‘alarm’ in matching asset to true.
But then you would need another rule to set it to false again since ‘otherwise’ isn’t implemented yet :grimacing:

Hi McSquibble,

As @Don mentioned (a year ago, ouch), Alarms is a bigger topic. But the good news is that it’s just added Manager UI | OpenRemote Documentation

Hi everyone,

The new alarms feature is a great enhancement, and I’m sure it will be useful for our project. I’ve just pulled down the latest version of OpenRemote and can see that alarms can be selected and assigned as a WHEN action in the rules. However, nothing appears under alarms when I click the alarm icon in the top right-hand side of the UI, and there’s no “+ ADD ALARM” button available either.

Has anyone encountered this issue? Any advice on how to resolve it would be much appreciated!

Thanks in advance.

Can you check if your user has the read:alarms and write:alarms client role?
The “+ ADD ALARM” button won’t show if you do not have the write:alarms client role.

I checked this earlier. I am logged in as Master and it seems that read:alarms and write:alarms doesn’t exist in the user settings for any of the Realms.

Unfortunately it looks like it currently doesn’t automatically add these new client roles to existing installations. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

What you can do to get it working is to manually add the read:alarms and write:alarms roles in Keycloak similar to this post:

It would be better if we can find a way to automatically add such new roles.

I’ve created an issue for this:

Thanks @wborn - I added the roles directly in Keycloak as suggested, and this worked. I also tested adding alarms using the when/then rules, and it worked flawlessly. In summary, this will be a very useful function.

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