The Z-Wave version 3.4.0 contains new features like a device database that are intended for the new OpenRemote v3 software. The new version also contains a new API that coexists with an API that is needed for the OpenRemote v2 controller. I could imagine that this API coexistence could create minor problems but I don’t think that these issues are severe so that the whole Z-Wave network doesn’t work anymore. In theory it should be possible to replace v3.3.0 with v3.4.0 and vice versa because I haven’t changed the format of the nodeX.xml files.
In the terminal log (Console output 3.4_beta2.txt) I’ve seen that inclusion of the Danalock v3 failed because the version of COMMAND_CLASS_DOOR_LOCK couldn’t be read from the device. That means the secure inclusion procedure (key exchange) went well and most probably secure communication with the device in general also works but for whatever reason the device doesn’t respond to a version request for COMMAND_CLASS_DOOR_LOCK.
WARN 2020-03-03 19:46:52,528 : Node_Initializer : Node ‘63’ : [COMMAN
I’ve also seen in the log that I’ve mentioned before that there’s a XML parser issue
ERROR [pool-3-thread-4]: Node_Initializer : Node ‘41’ : Failed to loa
d device info from device database - Manufacturer=‘280’, ProductTypeID=‘0x0003’,
Please execute the following instruction so that I have a chance to fix the issues with the Danalock v3 in combination with Z-Wave v3.4.0
1.) Replace the XML parser library xercesImpl-2.6.2.jar with the following more recent version: xercesImpl-2.7.1.jar
2.) Use or-zwave-3.4.0-Beta2.jar
3.) Exclude the Danalock v3 from the Z-Wave network
4.) Include the Danalock v3 to the Z-Wave network (secure inclusion) and send me the whole log file. I need to see the WHOLE log until to the point when the COMMAND_CLASS_LOCK version request fails
5.) Exclude the Danalock v3 from the Z-Wave network
6.) Include the Danalock (non secure inclusion) and check if it works (nodeX.xml file is created). If it doesn’t work send me the log file.
With step 5.) and 6.) I’m able to see if there’s a general problem or if the issue exists only in combination with secure inclusion.
I’ll help you fix the other issues but let’s concentrate on the Danalock communication problem and thanks for your cooperation and patience.